MLISSA 2008 Career Fair


What: A chance to meet with potential employers from archives, libraries and knowledge management. This event is open to first and second year students. In past years employers have conducted on-the-spot job interviews.
When: Thursday March 6, 2008, from 1-4pm.
Where: Thompson House Ballroom (second floor)
Why: Opportunity to meet potential employers, practice interview skills you've learned from the CAPS CV workshop, and enjoy the complementary food and beverages.

CV Workshop (presented by CAPS)

Thursday, March 6, 2007

CV Workshop
What: Janice Tester from the Career and Placement Centre (CAPS) will give SIS students tips for meeting potential employers, creating effective CVs and cover letters. The workshop will take place 2 weeks before the 2008 MLISSA Career Fair @ the Thompson House Ballroom.
Where: MS 24
When: 12:15 - 1:15
What to bring: your CV and cover letter

CLA 5 a 7

WHAT: A gathering with the President of the CLA: Alvin Schrader
When: Thursday November 15, 2007 @ 5:00
Where: Thomson House Ballroom (second floor)
Why: To meet lots of interesting people in the Canadian Library world

Be sure come and take advantage of the FREE FOOD!!!

SIS @ Gert's

So, the word around lounge is that both MLIS I and MLIS II have major assignments due on Wednesday and Thursday next week. So your Social Affairs Chair has declared Thursday Novemeber 15th a night for fun and tradition at Gert's Bar in the Basement of the Shatner Building (Home of the SSMU).

Come and celebrate this shared semester milestone!


WHAT: Party!!!
WHERE: Gert's Bar, basement of the Shatner Building (SSMU building)
WHEN: Thursday November 15th, 2007, starting at 9:00 pm
WHO: YOU! - MLIS I and MLIS II...and anyone in between

Check it out!

Film - The Hollywood Librarian

Come check out the showing of
The Hollywood Librarian
Thursday October 18th, 2007
6:30 pm

at the Frank Dawson Auditorium
3450 University St.

Tickets are FREE for all librarians, library employees and LIS students.

Find out more by checking out the movie site

Mark your calendars and come check out the showing of the first feature documentary about the lives and work of real librarians and their cinematic counterparts.

Feel free to bring along your family and friends who aren't in the biz.
It's $8 for adults and $5 for children/seniors

Oops! VOTE Correction

Sorry folks. The last post listed the dates for voting in the MLISSA fall election as Tuesday Sept 25 and Wednesday Sept 26th. They are actually Wednesday Sept 26th and Thursday Sept 27. Please adjust your calendars and sorry for the inconvenience.

Hope to see you at the polling stations!


Well, the nominations are in and voting takes place next Tuesday Sept. 25th and Wednesday Sept. 26th.

On these days, make sure you stop by the lounge from 12:00 - 1:30 and cast your vote for the following lovely people and positions. Even if there's only one person running, they still need your approval to win so get out there and get those X's on the paper.

Here are the intrepid nominees:

VP Internal: Meghan Hansen

Chief Returning Officer: Trudi Wright

Social Affairs Committee Chair: Chris Armstrong

Curriculum Committee Representative (I): Lisa Shen

EGSS Representative
: David Pickup

Professional Association Liaison: Tanis Keiner

PGSS Representative (I): Beth Goslett; Josee Roy; Erik Erickson

Secretary: Ute Wilkinson; Katie Hollohan; Rosanne Lester

MLISSA Fall Elections!

Saw us standing up at the front of MS 42 during orientation and thought, "Hey, I can do that?" Now's your chance. It's time to elect new MLISSA representatives and there are several positions available.

Nominations open on September 13th (that's this Thursday) and run until September 20th (next Thursday).

We are accepting nominations for the following posts:
  1. Vice President Internal
  2. Secretary
  3. Education Faculty Representative (EGSS)
  4. Post Graduate Student Society Representative I (PGSS)
  5. Curriculum Committe Representative I
  6. Social Affairs Committee Chairperson
  7. Professional Association Liasion
  8. Chief Returning Officer / Parliamentarian

So take a look at the job descriptions here and see what suits your talents and interests.

Attend the QUESTION AND ANSWER session on Tuesday, September 18th to get the inside scoop on MLISSA jobs from the people who know. It's 12:00 - 1:00 in MS 42 (your favorite classroom). Bring a lunch.

Then download a nomination form by going to the About MLISSA section of the MLISSA webspace and looking under MLISSA documents. Fill out this form, drop it in Ahniwa Ferrari's mailbox, and consider yourself nominated!

Voting is September 26 -27 in the student lounge from 12:00 - 1:30 on both days.

Even if you're not running, be sure to have your say by geting out to VOTE!